We have not received pledges from many regular pledgers this year (2025). It may be that some were lost or that others may have forgotten to pledge.
Pledges are a promise to donate an amount of your choosing per month or per year to Memorial UMC. It is tax deductible and you will receive monthly statement of your giving.
United Methodist Members are encouraged to pledge, but you don’t need to be a member or attend to donate or pledge to Memorial UMC. If you just want to help support our mission of making disciples for Christ to change the world, your donations are very welcome.
Here are the ways that you can make a pledge
- Send a response by emailing Diane at Finance:”Start”
- Pick up a pledge form from the welcome table on Sunday
- Write a note on any paper and put it in the offering plate
- Mail it to the church.
We need the amount per month or year, your email address, phone number and mailing address.
Thank you to all who have pledged. Pledges help us to plan for this year’s budget.
Donate Just Once (not a pledge)
Last updated: January 10, 2025 at 13:13 pm