The United Methodist Churches of the Central Valley present a celebration of the gifts and harmony that rise from our multicultural blend.
Hosted at Memorial UMC in Clovis
October 3, 2015 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
This is a public, community event. Bring the family. Bring a friend.
Schedule, Saturday, October 3:
- 9-10 a.m. set up booths with activities and crafts.
- 10-noon outside activities fair AND performances by various groups
- Noon-1 pm Lunch – better than the food court! A buffet of various traditional foods from the various cultures in our CVD UMCs. A $7-10 suggested donation for lunch will benefit Imagine No Malaria.
- 1-3 pm Praising God in rousing worship. LOTS of music by different groups. A real “raise the roof” experience of God’s love and grace in community.
Sunday, October 4:
- ONE worship service at 10 am combining English, Hmong, and Korean elements. A celebration of World Communion Sunday and Multicultural composition of our society.