Donate Now to Memorial UMC
Memorial accepts on-line credit card donations. Transactions are via a secure, encrypted connection to PayPal. You do not need to be a member of PayPal, but if you are, you can log in and pay. In PayPal, you will be able to verify that your donations are going to the fund that you selected.
Cash and checks are accepted too, of course. If you wish to donate cash, drop by the office between 9 and 1 pm Monday-Thursday. Mail checks to 1726 Pollasky Ave, Clovis CA 93612
Use the Donate button below for a one-time or monthly donation of any amount to Memorial’s GENERAL FUND*. (preferred)
If you have a pledge, donations to the General Fund* will be applied to your pledge. Funds from our General Fund are used where most needed. Memorial always strives to apply funds towards its missions and ministries.

(click button only once)
PayPal account not required. You will find a link near the bottom of the PayPal page to use credit cards. If you have a PayPal account, you may donate via PayPal.
Donate direct to UMCOR for hurricane disaster relief (click here)
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