We are happy to announced that Memorial has paid, in full, its 2012 apportionments due the Western United Methodist Conference for the first time in 17 years. Donations to Memorial UMC not only go to support the Clovis church, but also towards very important missions of the United Methodist church
New Year’s Eve Party!
Last year's party was fun so we'll do it again! Bring a game, puzzle, and munchies to share and hang out with fellow Christians until you are ready to go home. We'll be there through the midnight countdown. 7 pm in the Social Hall.
Play it again, Memorial (For Haiti)
Don't you love those Christmas songs? The choir and musicians work hard to re-learn them every year, only for a very few Christmas services and it's over. The Christmas season lasts until January 6th. (the 12 days of Christmas) and we want to have one last hurrah! Join us at 5 pm, Sunday,
Live Nativity Walk Through 2012
You will be taken back 2000+ years at Memorial this Saturday and Sunday, December 15 and 16 from 6 to 8 pm, as you stroll through the Live Nativity stations, singing and listening to the stories of the birth of Jesus. Enjoy hot dogs, snacks, cider, and fellowship with others in the magical
Banquet at Café Via for Haiti Mission
Sunday, October 28 at Cafe Via, 6640 Blackstone Ave. Memorial is sending a mission team to Haiti and needs to cover the preparation and transportation costs for the Haiti Team members. See more about the Haiti trip. Café Via Fundraiser for Haiti Do you enjoy meeting your friends for mealtime
Blessing of the Animals
Saturday, October 13 at 11 am, bring your pet to Memorial for blessings. It started in the 12th century by St Francis who loved animals and nature. Churches have ceremoniously celebrated the animals since. Open to the public - no admission fee. Pets must be on leashes or caged. Food and drinks
Scouting Leadership by Memorial
Memorial is one of the leaders in promoting Scouting through the United Methodist Men and the dedicated work of member, Mike Feist. See the article on the national UMM web page about Scouting and Mike's work in Clovis.
Multicultural Combined Worship
Sunday, October 7 at 10:00 am There will be no services beginning at 9:30 am or 11:00 am. This 10 am service will be a Special Multilingual Combined Worship Service that will include elements of the Imagine, Traditional, and Hmong services. The "State of the Congregation" address & a