On Sunday, June 17, Dr. Mator Kpangeai, from the Liberian United Methodist Church spoke at both services about the progress at the United Methodist University in Libria. Memorial has been supporting the University for many years. Dr. Kpangeai discussed the new campus being built to replace old
One Service at 10 AM, June 24th
In celebration of Xf Yeu Vang’s Service at Memorial UMC, On Sunday, June 24th, there will be ONE service at 10 am followed by a potluck. Pastor Yeu will be off to his next appointment in Atwater CA on July 1. (there will be no 8:45 Imagine, or 11:15 am Traditional
Great Day of Music
ONE SERVICE! Sunday, May 13 at 10 am. Come hear the favorite songs from the Chancel Coir this Sunday! Also in honor of Mother's Day. This will be a combined service that will include Hmong Language service. There will be no services at 9:45 or 11:45 am.
Living Last Supper Play
Come and Experience the re-enactment of the Last Supper in Leonardo Da Vinci's famous setting at Memorial This play presents a short, powerful drama about the reflection and inner turmoil of each disciple when Jesus announced that the would be betrayed by one of them. Child care available for
LISTEN. Lenten Worship Series.
Special Lenten Worship Series for both Traditional, 11:15 am and Imagine!, 8:45 am worship services. This Lent, we will quiet things down and heighten our attention to the “still, small voice” of God and our own True Self. Listening through prayer as well as meditation on holy
Lenten Studies
Lenten Studies starting February 18th Join the Adult Sunday School class 10 am to 11 am every Sunday beginning February 18 in The Lose Library. We will be using Adam Hamilton’s DVD series "Moses: In the Footsteps of the Reluctant Prophet". Retrace the life of Moses - from his
Fall Fishing Excursion
Join us for deep sea fishing from Monterey on October 6th 2018. We'll be on a special charter boat with experienced skippers and deckhands to help with fishing. Women, children, guests are all welcome. 9 am to 3 pm. $80 per person. See Rick Hutchinson for more details and to register. More
Live Nativity 2017
You will be magically taken back 2017 years at Memorial on Saturday & Sunday, December 9 & 10 between 6 & 8 pm as Memorial United Methodist presents its eighth annual Christmas Card to the Community featuring six inspiring scenes with live performers and music. The 20-minute walk with a