All English Services will be at the historic Academy church on Sunday, October 20th at 10 am. There will be NO 8:45 am or 11:15 am English language services at Memorial in Clovis on Sunday, October 20th. Join us at the Academy historic church for a wonderful outdoor service under the
R&R and Art
"R&R and Art" is a short way to say Rest and Relaxation, and Art. What better way to “Rest and Relax” than to have fun creating with paint? PLUS: Delicious food too! Something wonderful for every diet Saturday, October 25, 2019 at 6:00 PM – 8 P 6:00 pm check in, get your space set
New Stephen Ministries Training
We will again be offering Stephen Ministry training. The classes will be held on Sundays, from 2:30-7 pm, beginning September 15, 2019. Are you feeling a nudge to become involved in a ministry that brings the love of Jesus to others in a very tangible way? Prayerfully consider becoming trained to be
Father’s Day Lunch!
3 BUCK Ground Chuck!! After English Language Worship June 9th, 11:15 A.M. Giving thanks for all the "Fathers in the Faith” Special price of $3 per burger! What a treat!!! Bring your family & friends and join the fun!! Sponsored by UMM
Lent: Gifts of the Darkwood
We’ve all been there. In the Dark Wood where failure, emptiness and uncertainty live. Memorial will help you find gifts in the darkness for this Lenten season of services, study, music, prayer and fellowship. Memorial's 10 am Sunday class will be studying Eric Elnes
Live Nativity 2018 Review
Read about the 2018 Live Nativity in the Clovis Roundup: Click here to read a review in the Clovis Roundup.
Christmas 2018
The Season of Advent prepares for the coming birth of Jesus. Memorial' Sunday Services will take you on the journey to that blessed day. Live Nativity Saturday & Sunday, December 15 & 16 Longest Night Soup Supper Got the holiday blues? This service will help. Fellowship
Advent Dinner
An annual tradition at Memorial Come out on SUNDAY, Dec. 2 at 6:00 PM for food, fellowship, and fun! This potluck party will get you in the Christmas mood so don't miss it! All are welcome! If you haven't signed up, come anyway and bring a guest. This is a potluck event. Individuals can