Hmong Christian lub tsev txias thiab qhia txoj hmoo zoo los ntawm Grace and Memorial United Methodist Churches After many months of planning, Memorial's Hmong Christian Funeral Ministry is ready. The cost of Hmong funerals are expensive. Memorial and Grace United Methodist Churches are combining
Catch Up On Sermons
Prepare for this Sunday's sermon on forgiving trespasses as part of the Lord's Prayer sermon series by listening to the previous sermons on the Lord's Prayer on The series starts with "You Can Pray Very Simple" by Vickie Healy.
June/July Good News
June-July Good News 2012June 2012 calendarJuly 2012 calendar
Memorial’s Services – Live Streaming.
Internet issues fixed. Both IMAGINE! and Traditional services were successfully streamed live Sunday, and recorded. See at
Imagine Service, Song for the Journey
A dramatic, beautiful and moving ending song for the February 5th Imagine Service. Watch and listen: For best musical experience use, good speakers, ear buds or headphones. (Memorial's streaming music is licensed by CCS WorshipCast.)
Christmas 2011 Nativity Scene
11/20/2011 Service
Fall Festival & Carnival!
Fun at Memorial UMC on Saturday, October 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. complete with games, food and hand-crafted items. Booths will offer jewelry, hair pretties, baby blankets, candles, potted plants, a silent auction and much more. At one booth, fair trade coffee, chocolate, crafts and jewelry sales