New Sunday Schedule for Lent Starting March 1st 9:15 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. - Chapel Service in Sanctuary 9:50 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Hymn Sing in Sanctuary 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. - Combined Service in Sanctuary (Hmong language supported) 11:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. - Fellowship Time
R&R and Art
"R&R and Art" is a short way to say Rest and Relaxation, and Art. What better way to “Rest and Relax” than to have fun creating with paint? PLUS: Delicious food too! Something wonderful for every diet Saturday, October 25, 2019 at 6:00 PM – 8 P 6:00 pm check in, get your space set
Huddle Group
“Huddles” is a small group program designed to help participants grow in their ability to be faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Our “pilot” Huddle group began meeting in July, and will complete “Huddle 1” course by the end of August. We will be want to have a “Huddle 2” group beginning in
Yoga with Danette Lamee
Relieve stress, improve muscle tone and balance, meet new friends. As a ministry to our members and our community, Memorial is hosting Yoga classes every Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your own mat. 9:00 am to 10:00 am: Yoga classes for all levels. 10:30 am to
New Testament in a Year
Beginning July 1, 2015, sermons and studies were structured to cover the entire New Testament in a Year (NTiaY). Your assignment is to read the scriptures below. As you read, set aside your understandings of stories of Jesus and try to receive this story as if it were the first time you heard
Sunday Evening Sunday School & Dinner
Make it a routine Sunday evening event. Dinner at 5 pm. Classes for all ages start at 5:45 pm. Youth Group meets at 5:45 pm. This program will last until February 10th. Meet in the Social Hall. Keep this on your schedule for next week too - Super Bowl Sunday. Watch the Super Bowl, eat,
New Adult Class
Sundays at 11 am Andy Hansen-Smith is leading a new class which meets in a corner of the Social Hall right after our fellowship time. The current study, developed by Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection UMC in Leawood, Kansas, deals with faith and politics. The next
Lenten Study
GOD'S PLAN FOR THE PEOPLE OF MUMC Join Pastor Janette for a Lenten study on Tuesdays beginning Feb 28 thru April 3rd. Enjoy a soup supper at 6pm each week, and class starting at 6:30. at MUMC. To sign up, call or e-mail the office: