To celebrate the Academy Church's 150 years, come to a Celebration Service at 10 am to 10:30 am at the Academy Church on Sunday, October 21. Afterward enjoy a tri-tip barbecue, historical exhibits, live old-time music, and plenty of old time reminiscence. $15 adult, $10 for children under 10
One Service at 10 AM, June 24th
In celebration of Xf Yeu Vang’s Service at Memorial UMC, On Sunday, June 24th, there will be ONE service at 10 am followed by a potluck. Pastor Yeu will be off to his next appointment in Atwater CA on July 1. (there will be no 8:45 Imagine, or 11:15 am Traditional
Great Day of Music
ONE SERVICE! Sunday, May 13 at 10 am. Come hear the favorite songs from the Chancel Coir this Sunday! Also in honor of Mother's Day. This will be a combined service that will include Hmong Language service. There will be no services at 9:45 or 11:45 am.
Blessing of the Animals.
Memorial United Methodist Church will celebrate a Blessing of the Animals event on Saturday September 30 from 10 to 1 PM. All pets and people are welcome. The public is invited to bring dogs, cats, birds, fish or any pet — as long as the pet is safely leashed or in an enclosed pet carrier. There
New Worship Schedule
New worship times for the coming months. All in the Sanctuary. 8:45-9:45 Imagine! 10-11 Hmong language 11:15-12:15 Traditional English 10-11 Sunday School for ALL ages (in English) in various rooms around the campus Hmong Language adult Sunday School 11:15-12:15 in room
20,304 Meals Packed!
Eight congregations of the Fresno/Clovis area circuit came together on January 9 to start the New Year with a Stop Hunger Now meal packing event. Hosted at Memorial UMC. 20,304 meals were packed within two hours hosted at Memorial! Special thanks to: Memorial & Wesley who each paid for at
New Testament in a Year
Beginning July 1, 2015, sermons and studies were structured to cover the entire New Testament in a Year (NTiaY). Your assignment is to read the scriptures below. As you read, set aside your understandings of stories of Jesus and try to receive this story as if it were the first time you heard