Services for Lent Season this year will be done as circuit wide service: Meet your Memorial friends at these churches for Lenten worship. Ash Wednesday Service on Feb 22, at Wesley UMC (1343 E. Barstow Ave. Fresno, CA 93710) at 7:00pm. Recorded Online Service at Wesley Maundy Thursday
Jim Scott Memorial
Celebration of the life of Jim Scott on December 23 at Memorial UMC. Memorial Service at 3 pm Reception at 4 pm.
Egg Roll Fundraiser Dec 31
Delicious Egg Rolls made for you on Dec 31. Place your orders now by signing up in the Narthex or calling the Church Office. (Ordering via web site was provided.) ["vfb id=12]
Advent & Christmas 2022
Please join us in-person or online for Christmas worship Services Sunday services begin at 10 am. Arrive early in-person to enjoy special music. Topics for Advent and Christmas seasons: Nov 27th Luke 1:5-25 Prepare the Way (HOPE) 12/4 Luke 1:26-38 Birth of Jesus Foretold (LOVE)
Vacation Bible School 2022
Vacation Bible School will be in conjunction with the United Japanese Christian Church in Clovis CA on August 1 - 5 from 5 to 8 pm. Preschool through 6th grade. More info and register now, on line at To volunteer to help with
Children’s Sunday School July 10
Summer Sunday School will begin on July 10 Child care for children up to age 6 is still available during services.
COVID Protocol Update
COVID Protocol Update The Covid 19 Reopening Committee agreed to maintain the Protocols until Fresno County is into the lowest Yellow Tier. We are currently in Purple, which is the highest level for positive cases per day. This includes staying masked. We are strongly recommending everyone
Help Ukrainian People One hundred percent of all Advance contributions go to the designated cause. The United Methodist community in Ukraine, though quite small, is actively engaged in assisting neighbors in need. Global Ministries is in touch with the church’s leadership as