Memorial UMC Master Calendar
Quick List View: (includes non-Memorial events)
Choose: Full Screen View-all List View-all Memorial Only
Please contact Dorrie a to add or change events on the calendar. ”Email_Dorrie_Here”
Or request online to correct or add an event to the calendar here: ”Open_reqest_form”
Or call the office (559-299-4615) to leave a message for Dorrie.
Calendar Tips:
Tap, or click on event to see more detail.
You may not want to see past events. Just click on the little slider next to “Past Events” on the calendar page.
All events on campus are shown. To see only a group’s events, click the icon in the calendar that looks like the image below.
(Calendar hosted at: “My Church“)
Full Screen View-all List View-all Memorial Only
Month View: (note the buttons above the days.)