Saturday, September 16 at 11 am. Animals of all shapes and sizes are welcome, as are their people. It started in the 12th century by St Francis who loved animals and nature. Churches have ceremoniously celebrated the animals since. We'll sing for them, pray for them, and show them our
September to Remember 2023
Back to the 50's Dinner and Dance. SATURDAY September 30, 2023, 6:30pm – 9:00pm Tickets $25.00 each or Table Sponsorship for $125.00 ( seats 6 people) Dinner Includes: Old Fashion Hamburger, Fries, Coca Cola, & Ice Cream Sundae. Silent Auction, Also prizes for Best Performance and Best
Hmong Egg Roll Sale July 8
Genuine Hmong Eggroll Take Out Saturday July 8, 2023 (a fundraiser for Memorial.) Orders accepted through Sunday, July 2. $15 per dozen Eggrolls are available for take out on Saturday July 8, 2023. Order your food and then pick it up in the Fellowship Hall on Saturday between 9:30 am
Summer Concert
Summer Concert at Memorial! Entertaining Music of all kinds! Bands! Singers! Saturday, July 15th, 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Enjoy a mixture of old country, old time, bluegrass, gospel, Christian and pop music. Snacks served during intermission. It will be cool. Open to the public! Not a
Old Fashioned Hymn Sing
AMAZING GRACE, How Sweet the Sound... SING-A-LONG to OLD HYMNS Join us for an old fashioned community hymn sing! Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 11am-12:15pm in the Worship Center at Memorial UMC. Reception and Refreshments to follow! This will be a special program prepared and led by
Sunday School Heifer Project Donate
June 20, 2023 UPDATE: We were able to purchase 15 heifers from this campaign! Thank you! June 2, 2023 Deadline Tuesday, June 6! If we give to our children’s Sunday School Heifer International ( project, a matching donation will increase our gift to ten times as much.
Vacation Bible School 2023
Memorial will be joining with the Universal Japanese Christion Church for Vacation Bible School this year. Please register on their site. Direct link to UJCC:
Pentecost 2023 May 28th
We will celebrate Pentecost on Sunday, May 28th. Wear RED Sunday! What is Pentecost? On Pentecost Sunday, we remember the day the disciples received the Holy Spirit in a special way. The story in Acts 2 describes a powerful wind and tongues of fire as the Holy Spirit was poured out on