"The importance of women in our world" ALL WOMEN (English, Hmong and Korean congregations) are invited to the FALL 2024 MEETING of the United Women in Faith Saturday September 14th, 2-4 PM Tea & Refreshments In the MUMC Fellowship Hall An Informal Meeting of the Memorial United
Blessing of the Animals 2024
Blessing of the Animals Service, October 5 Gather at 10:30 am at the front of the church under the big white tent. Service to begin at 11 am. Bring your pet! (Pets must be on a leash, halter or in a carrier.) This is a free service for the community. Treats for the pets and people will be
Youth Back To School 2024
ATTENTION YOUTH! Special Event! Ages 12 through 19 Sunday, August 25 at 1 pm Gather outside at the church for lunch and games (volleyball & etc.) to have some fun and make new friends. We would like to set some regular meeting times for the fall and winter months. Memorial has a
Special Combined Service
At 11 am on every 5th Sunday of the month, we will have ONE special service combining elements of both our Hmong and English services. There will be no English service at 10 am and no Hmong service at 11:15 am. There will be no Sunday School on those Sundays. Coming 5th Sundays: September
Campout July 19-21
Transformation Lab
Ice Cream Social for Pastor Samate, July 6
July 6th Special Ice Cream Social to meet and welcome Pastor Falamao Samate after the 11 am combined service.
Sunday, June 23 Conference
Members: We meet in the sanctuary at 10:30 am on Sunday, June 23 for an important meeting. Purpose: We need your vote on the salary packages for our new Pastor, Falamao Samate, and Local Lay Pastor, LyChai Yang. Worship service will begin at 11 am. A farewell potluck luncheon will follow