Sunday's Smooth Sailing Sailors catching the wind on Millerton Lake.Click Here to see a Back Flip Into The Lake (A quicktime movie)
Still a deal!
Even though the matching grant program has expired for the Parsonage down payment, donating to it now it is still a deal. For every $100 more in the down payment we save $140 of interest payments over 30 years! $1000 saves MUMC $1400 of interest. It would be cool for one last effort to raise us
Friday Night Movie
All are welcome to view the movie Fiddler on the Roof tonight, Friday May 13, at 6:30 in the Social Hall. The movie is part of the Spiritual Disciplines class. There is a movie about every 3 weeks. You don't have to be attending the class to come and view the movie. (Memorial is licensed to
Youth Car Wash May 14
Memorial's youth group will be holding another car wash on Saturday May 14 from 9am to 2pm at the Shell Station on Peach and Shaw Avenues. Funds go to support the quickly approaching youth Mission trip in July!
Change The World Next Weekend.
Next weekend, May 14-15, United Methodists around the world are invited to participate in Change the World Weekend. Donations at Memorial's Ice Cream Social, Multicultural Dancing and Music Festival on May 15th will go to Nothing But Nets for campaign to eradicate malaria from the world.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Wishing all Mom's a very happy Mothers Day! Memorial will present a special Celebration of Mothers in a 5 minute photo presentation at both services Sunday, May 8th.
Thurs, May 5, National Day of Prayer
The Sixth Annual National Day of Prayer will be celebrated locally by The Interfaith Alliance of Central California on Thursday, May 5, 2011 7:00 p.m. at the Sikh Center of the Pacific Coast 2211 Highland Ave. Selma, CA 9366 (Exit 43 to Corcoran) The celebration will include calls for prayer from a
Visit the Parsonage NOW!
Click HERE to visit the new parsonage right now! The parsonage purchase was approved at the Wednesday, May 4th charge conference. Only a couple more steps to go.