A sermon series on the Lord's Prayer started last Sunday with the first sermon by Rev. Vickie Healy. Pastor Janette will continue with the second sermon in the series this Sunday titled "What Is Hallowed?"
Memorial’s Missionaries
Memorial's Youth are away on a mission trip this week (July 1 - 7) at Rakestraw Memorial Community Education Center in central Los Angeles. This is a mission through Sierra Service Project. Their work there involves repairs and cleanup of the facility. Come Sunday an hear about
We are honored and blessed to present John Nilson, in concert at Memorial on June 30th at 4 pm. John is a pianist, guitarist, songwriter and recording artist and has traveled the world with his music. His CD sales are approaching one million copies and is working on he 18th CD. A "free will"
New Adult Class
Sundays at 11 am Andy Hansen-Smith is leading a new class which meets in a corner of the Social Hall right after our fellowship time. The current study, developed by Adam Hamilton, senior pastor of Church of the Resurrection UMC in Leawood, Kansas, deals with faith and politics. The next
Boise Youth Choral Performance
On Sunday, June 3th at 7:30 pm in Memorial's Worship Center, the Boise Epworth United Methodist Church High School Youth Ensembles will perform for the church and community. This group travels around the country performing as a mission. The public is invited. It's free. Meet the Boise Epworth
June/July Good News
June-July Good News 2012June 2012 calendarJuly 2012 calendar
Korean Mission Concert
May 31, 2012, 7:30 pm at Memorial's Worship Center. This event is open to the public. Pastor Janette has heard the performers and even has met some of them. She has been raving how wonderful they are and she highly recommends that you attend.
Worship will begin at 10:30 am on Sunday, May 20. There will be NO services beginning at 9:30 am and 11:00 am. Don't miss this special exciting, energetic, worshipful service!