We are sad to announce that due to Covid complications, our annual Live Nativity for the community is cancelled for this year.
Toy Drive
TOY and FOOD DRIVE Donations accepted Dec. 5th -19th
Boutique 2021
Breakfast Fellowship
Come at 9:30 am Sunday for fellowship on the lawn before the 10 am service. Bring your own breakfast.
Chime Choir Resuming
Chime Choir Practice starts at 5 pm Friday, Sept 17 in the Sanctuary. Come out and make some music. No experience necessary. Masks required.
Blessing of the Animals 2021
Blessing of the Animals Service Saturday September 25th at 10:30 am Outside at Memorial United Methodist Church, Clovis The public is welcome. All animals must be on leash or in enclosed pet carrier.
Worship In Person
We are worshipping indoors, in person again! With precautions! COVID is again surging and so we urge everyone to follow the reopening protocol guidelines to keep us safe. Even if vaccinated, there is strong evidence that the vaccinated can still carry and spread the virus. We want to always