Worship Ministries
It takes a lot of people to create and conduct meaningful worship services every Sunday. You can find many rewarding ministries within worship to be of service to God and the people.
Child Care
Child care is available during worship services and Sunday School hour. Care for infants through age 2 is available in the Quiet Room at the north side of the Sanctuary. Care for children ages 2 through 5 is available in the Fellowship Hall Nursery Room.
Music Ministries
Worship by playing and singing traditional and modern Christian music. Anyone who plays the Guitar, bass, or Drums are welcome. Vocalists also are welcome. Rehearsals are Fridays at 6 pm.
Worship Planning Ministry
Details of all worship services are planned well in advance. The service planning teams meet once a month. We welcome your input to the worship planning team ether by message or your attendance.
Other Worship Support Ministries
Much other support is needed for worship services. Ushers, Sound Technicians, PowerPoint designers, Video projection operators, Camera operators, Greeters, Communion Stewards, Scripture Readers, and Worship Leaders are regularly needed for worship.
These are all are ministries to the church. Contact Pastor or the church office if you can minister in any of these ways.
Last updated: November 22, 2024 at 9:10 am