Trips To Town – March 27

By Diane

Today we are making various trips to town. This is market day so one group is shopping for our food and the school lunches for the next few days. Another group went after propane. Corrie and I are at the internet café in town attempting to send photos and now some text. A group is also supposed to go out to an irrigation ditch to purify some water with the purifier we brought.

Day one in Haiti – March 25

By Diane

There was little to see most of our time in the air, but we could feel the excitement mount when Sara spotted the faint coastline of an island appear in our view. This could be our destination.

We came in low over the outskirts of Port au Prince to a view of a mass of rusted and tarped roofs. The airport was a rush of immigration check points and lugging baggage out into the hot sun where we met One-Arm Jackson who guided us to our transportation.With all our bags and a few people in one truck and the rest of us in the van, we took off through the crowded streets. Our van driver, Johnny, was an expert at weaving his way around and through the lines of outgoing and incoming traffic. Many taptaps drove by with their brightly decorated exteriors and jam-packed cargo – human or otherwise.
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Monday’s Activities

by Janette Saavedra
7:57 PM PDT

We got up yesterday, went to Palm Sunday service where we were dedicated and commissioned to leave. We did this at MUMC and at S/GUMC. Then we had some pizza at the Williams home and hit the road to Mountain View. In Mountain View we had some time to walk at Shoreline Park, then ate dinner at a nearby Togos. We went to SFO to board the overnight plane to NJ, then on to Haiti. We had breakfast in the terminal, and lunch on the plane. We landed about 1 pm-ish. Got the TONS of luggage we needed to haul here (leaving most of it behind when we leave) went thru immigration and customs with zero problems.
Got the luggage into a truck, with 4 team members then the other 10 drove with Johnny to Thomas.
Got here, unpacked, set up rooms, ate dinner, washed up dishes, hung mosquito nets, had devotions and team check in, got ready for bed… Journaled…..

It is nearly 11 pm here. I think we will probably sleep pretty well :)


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Layover in Newark

by Diane
4:38 am PDT

We are now in Newark, New Jersey. The flight, was, I would say uncomfortable because we were crammed in like in a Mercury capsule, and it was really pretty hard to sleep. Otherwise everything on the flight went well. Most everybody is sort of fussing about the fact that they didn’t get much sleep. But now we have a relaxing time here at the Newark airport because the gate that we leave on is the same gate that we came in on and we have 3 hours. Mando and I just had breakfast. And we’ll walk back and see what the other people are doing. I will file my next report, whenever I can communicate.

First Leg of the Journey

By Diane,
It’s now 9 pm and we in the San Francisco Airport waiting to board our flight that leaves at 10:15. This is a welcome relax after the hectic time of preparation and the drive. The service at Memorial and Grace were both very moving. After a Pizza lunch at the Williams, we began our drive to San Francisco. Here at the airport, we met the Fijians who will to drive our cars back to Mountain View for safe parking. Next, on to Newark, NJ. More later…..